Our Approach

We are the premiere full-service medical clinic in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex providing restorative care for Women, Men, and Children. Our world-class clinic honors the sanctity of life, respects the dignity of the whole person, and serves entire families. In short, we put people over profit. Let us help you with what we’re good at— family medicine, OB/GYN, NaProTECHNOLOGY, pediatrics, and fertility education.

Our Services

  • OB/GYN

  • Family Medicine

  • NaProTechnology

  • NFP Education

Genuine Care:

down to the details

We believe the difference between good and truly great medicine lies in treating the whole person, not just the body. That’s why at WholeLife, your appointments will take place in our soothing office environment with fully private rooms that are equipped with soft light and beautiful art. We’ll put you in robes not hospital gowns, use cloth not paper, and provide complimentary water, tea, and coffee. In short, we take a restorative approach to healthcare


In-person and remote options

Our main office is located in Fort Worth.

Can’t make it into the office?

No worries – we’ve got you covered with tele-medicine.

Community Impact

WholeLife is a non-profit medical clinic. We raise 43% of our operating budget to serve

the growing community with the care they need to be made whole.

Your tax-deductible donation ensures that we can continue to grow our mission to reclaim

dignified healthcare, protect life, and strengthen families to fight the battle in our culture today.

Vulnerable Mothers

Patients Served

Celebrating New Life

Financially Vulnerable Patients